(Mon - Sat)
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Psychological Assessment

Psychological assessments involve structured evaluations of an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning. They aid in understanding mental health, diagnosing disorders, and tailoring effective treatment plans

Psycho-diagnostic Assessment

Psycho-diagnostic assessments evaluate mental health, diagnose disorders, understand severity, inform treatment decisions, and track progress in therapy

Neuropsychological Assessment

Neuropsychological assessments comprehensively evaluate the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functions. They identify impairments in memory, attention, language, and visuo-spatial abilities. It also helps in differentiating…

Memory Assessment

Memory assessments helps to understand the severity of memory impairment. Different indices like auditory, visual, immediate, delayed and working memory is evaluated. This comprehensive evaluation…

IQ Assessment

Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. It is measured using Intelligence tests and involves measuring cognitive abilities such as processing speed, verbal…

Psychoeducational Assessment

Psychoeducational assessments evaluate learning styles, cognitive functions, and academic abilities, identifying disorders like dyslexia or ADHD and guiding tailored educational plans for optimal learning.

ADHD Assessment

ADHD assessments diagnose and understand attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, guiding treatment decisions such as behavioral interventions, medication, or other support strategies

Developmental/Adaptive Functioning

These assessments evaluate adaptive skills, and daily life functioning level, aiding in diagnosing conditions like autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities, while informing intervention plans…

Autism Assessment

Autism assessment evaluate negative emotionality, social communication skills, restricted interests and repetitive behaviours characteristic of ASD.

Personality Assessment

Personality assessments examine traits, emotions, and interpersonal dynamics for insights into mental health, treatment planning, and informed career choices in counselling.